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game crashes every dozen or so frames on android 13 especially when there are chained animations.  not sure what is going on, tried different installs and downloaded it a few times just to be sure. 

(1 edit)

Dumb question, does anyone know the name of the song that play when you first "scan" Cadence?


Not even 2 minutes into the game ive been offered the possibility of gay sex then been hit by a wwe theme

I'm sold 15/10


If anyone knows of any AVNs with a similar humor in them please let me know.


My Bully is My Lover?

Agreed with the quality, but has a way more serious and dark tone.


Well, Eternum sometimes is very funny. But yeah, not even close to the comedy in this one.


Once In A Lifetime is hugely funny, I think a close second to this game in levels of comedic gold.

Awesome game. cannot wait for a new update - Ze1vics/ptjz accept my discord request  :)  also keep up the good work!


This game is PEAKKK fiction, outstanding comedy. Should try and support them. Bro is cooking smt great.

Does anyone know the name of the song at the end of chapter 2? Absolutely brilliant game

The Mariner - Luova Sessions

legend, cheers!

This game is hilarious and the characters are cute and endearing. Following with great interest


This game is so Funny This is Masterpiece 👏🏻 

Sorry Ren'Py


My favorite entry in the Invaderverse for sure.

mans is spitting

I've only just begun. Like maybe 30-45 minutes into it, and I can already tell this is on another level. I've learned my lesson about buying games on itch. Too many just stop being developed and you end up never getting to see the finish after paying for a game. It happens on steam too but not nearly as often. I really hope this makes it to steam. I'd buy it immediately.


honestly, when it comes to itch ill only play it if i see comments from the creator of the game being recent and talking about the game, updates. or thanks for playing. that type of response. if i don't see it i presume its a dead game which is a shame since most of them seem to have potential.


Absolutely love this avn! Humor,drama, great story, tons of likable characters! Exited for More 


Oh lord I never laughed so hard playing a VN before

Same here xD

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Looks like I just struck gold again.

Really liking the humor for this one. A very fine job inddd

we need chinese


It was kinda slow starting, but OMG... I've been loving this since the swim meet!  The humor had me LOL'ing a few times so far. Keep up the good work!


this game is great, the comedy is right up my ally

Sadly cant play always force close app :V



kthnxbai <


The updates since Episode 2 is out of wack i can't even pinpoint at when the updates will come out of the closet like i've seen and played games with the wackiest updates time and this is too much 


I finally found an ABSOLUTE masterpiece!



Made an account specifically so I could comment on this. This is REALLY good. Please don't abandon this.


Too many attempts at jokes, too much exposition and too often trying to sync with audio that I dont play with too early on to hook me. Your results may vary, but it looks like it has decent bones


I stand by what I said about the early game not hooking me
but this game is amazing and I have no regrets about pushing through.


Just came across this, and you had me at femboy


Mother of fuck the dialogue is sending my sides into orbit. The (first if there are more) scene without Guillaume destroyed me. The gags sometimes kind of ruin sincere moments, but the banter is otherwise top-notch writing. Keep it up.

this game is easily one of my most fav rn! holy shit the comedy is top tier and the story is really interesting so far. can't wait for the next episode!


This is better than eternum


With this comment, I'm putting my expectation very high. I adored Eternum and if this doesn't get me as involved or connected to the characters like Eternum did (Luna best girl). I'm going to be be very disappointed and writing a Synapsys on why it wasn't on this comment.  

Okay. so I finished it. Hands down... it's not better than Eternum, BUT... it's not bad. Eternum is suppose to be taken more seriously of a story rather than a Meme like this one, but that doesn't make it a bad story. to be honest how the 2 stories are made. they aren't suppose to be compared to be honest. this is suppose to be a comedy with romance in the mix. considering not even the romance parts are safe from the meme's and Three Stooges like humor. I actually really did enjoy it, but saying it's better when its significantly smaller and the audience it's trying to attract isn't really the same. if you're here for the romance and sex, there's not really any of both. sure the mc get's a blow job and you watch a girl masterbate, but the one time you might get a chance sleep with someone, you get robbed when you're trying to pay the prostitutes, but again it's because it's starting out and the story is only beginning, I'm sure there will be plenty of sex later. while Eternum which has been in longer production and fleshed out several of the girls stories to lead into each of them getting laid at the end of there courting periods and shows and emphasizes on Romance allot more than Realm Invaders with some comedy. it also shows and humanizes all of the characters so you can connect to them better. This could also be do to the newness of this game and it'll do the same, but the only time you really get a connection is through the main character not really caring about there stories and looking at his phone, except for 4? of them, though one of them he ends up saying what happened to them was boring, even though it was pretty tragic it happened to the character as a teenager.

I was planning to play that game question is how is the writing?

(1 edit)

Love it so far, although I'll wait until there's more before I do any kind of a review. I have to ask though if my reactions were what you were going for as a storyteller because so far I have zero interest in anyone outside the house - all paths closed. Noelle, Grace, Miya, Chloe and Cadence and that's it - no desire to even be friends with with any of the others so far. (Also Noelle should not give anyone fashion advice, she turned Chloe from the hottest one in the house into the least hot and the outfit she picked for Cadence was a serious downgrade over what she was originally wearing.)

(2 edits)
<img src="">Hi, I don't speak English and I'm using a translator. I loved this game so much, it was really fun and had great scenes. But I have a question, do you have fun programming this game? Because this must have been the game that made me laugh the most in my life and I would be very sad if you programmed like this

Its like i played the game maybe like a year ago?I like the cute characters but unfortunately there r little content.So i wonder how issit now

(3 edits) (-12)

Why the story is so boring you need to develop some good story from the game I know you're bored to develop some more story about that game you need to copy the story like eternum  


I love the Yu-gi-oh references, I hope they stick around. The card deserves to be banned

So I finally got around to finishing what content there is. 2 episodes and only part 1 of episode 2, not even a full episode, legit took me a while. Hell, even restarting and super skipping to the end to afford that damn spell near the end took a few minutes. I gave this a try after seeing a lot of good comments down here, but it was a few saying this was up there with Carybdis (Once in a Lifetime and now Eternum) and I can hard agree. You have a few more jokes and silly scenes, but in terms of quality and looks, you do a bit better here n there. Highly recommend this to folks looking for an entertaining time :) I definitely look forward to more, and whenever the finished product comes out I plan to pay for it. Just like I did for Once in a Lifetime.

Question: How to get vineeta's scene?

Technically not a Vineeta scene, but its during the Swim Competition. It's after doing all the chain of events that leads to a certain someone getting drugged by accident.

what chain of events because i've gone back to try to get it so many time

Oof I would have to play it again if you want a step by step... but there is literally a "correct path" through the swim competition chain of events. If you still don't understand that, I cannot help without actively going back and replaying it to remember which choice you need to do in which order for all the event flags.

okay thank you ill keep the grind up


During swim competition - rudely turn down the conceited swimmer and she will leave oil (not sure if this is the only way to get this; this is just how I got it), retrieve the hairclip from her, use oil for massage, give the hairclip, destroy powder in bathroom, use calm spell. Should be everything you need...just do all interactions before proceeding to the contest. 


Man, I wish that I liked this game. It's obvious that the dev puts a TON of work into making it. But 90% of it is just wasted. It ends up being one ridiculously stupid anime style joke after ridiculously stupid anime style joke after ridiculously stupid anime style joke.

I downloaded it because a few of the comments were like, "what a great story." To which I say, "WHAT STORY?" There is like 6-10 times in the entire game where a plot THREATENS to develop, but then is cut off by a ridiculously stupid anime style joke.

Seriously, here is the plot synopsis for what I have read:

  1. The multiverse is real
  2. The MC is dragged from one reality into another
  3. Some dude wants to help him learn to control his magic
  4. The MC pissed some chick off

And that is it. The end. Not the end of the content. But the end of the plot. EVERYTHING else is just a ridiculously stupid anime style joke.

At the very beginning, the dev points out that there are times where you can't spam click through the text boxes/animations. So that the audio can stay synced. And those times DO exist. It happens with every single ridiculously stupid anime style joke. Which is roughly every 1.2 nanoseconds.

Even when it looks like the MC is headed towards a sex scene, it almost always just ends in a ridiculously stupid anime style joke. Most porn games start with the obligatory handjob, move on to the obligatory blowjob, head for the obligatory titjob, go through the optional cunnilingus scene, and then head for the obligatory sex scene.

This game makes it as far as the obligatory blowjob before the dev loses his copy of the Kama Sutra and just hits the "rinse and repeat" button.

And what's up with the master/slave dynamic in this game? The MC tells his slave that he wants her to stop calling him "master," that she should be her own person, making her own choices. And then immediately orders her to suck his dick.

Well, which is it? Is she his equal, or his slave? Are we supposed to be romantically inclined towards her, or is she just our toy? Pick a fucking lane yo!

I don't care if you hang her upside down from the ceiling and beat her with a bat before fucking her face until she pukes. It's not like any sluts are actually getting hurt. (Not that I would care if they were) But keep a flow going man. That is INTEGRAL to storytelling.

So that's this game in a nutshell. A ton of work, with no measurable results. It's like if the US Congress had a love child with India based customer support.

Just gonna say... you weirdly seem to have gotten heated over something you don't like. I honestly found it pretty great, stories need a bit of playfulness and banter. Things don't always have to be dead serious at all times nor grim dark considering the premise for this one. Also, it's only got 2 "episodes" lmao. This is very obviously going to get bigger as the story goes, so of course it will be mostly world and character building for now. And so far there's a lot of plot hooks that have actually been taken relatively seriously, considering it's not exactly meant to be serious at all. Nice thesis on why you don't like it though, but honestly if you don't like something and don't have actual constructive criticism, you really shouldn't bother writing a short novel on why you didn't like it o.o

Ah, after thought on the last bit: we already know MC's stance towards slavery. They made it clear like... 4 times in such a short time? Them doing lewd stuff was literally a mutual thing. She leans into the master bit, he keeps asking her not to. He has even flat out said he wants them to be on equal terms. So I'm more confused as to how you didn't get that and demand some form of clarification o.o


Broke into my old school, bought a buttplug from a street vendor, and chanelled demonic energies at a 5 year old while my roommate convinces her to get a tattoo. 

This game is a work of art.

hey so how do you get the grace scene

One technically isn't a Grace scene, the other is the swim competition. I am unsure of all the triggers outside of just increasing their uh... affection value? W/e it is in this one. The one that technically isn't a Grace scene is during the dream sequence before you do the Cadence intro event. She demands you go to the gym while you are sleeping and having a very lewd dream.

I guess I should also add that the 2nd Grace scene is basically doing all the chain of events during the swim competition. After doing a few of the steps, MC will think to cast a calming spell on Grace, which has some... interesting side effects? Trying to be vague about it. If you want the exacts, I'd have to go back through to remember the steps. Basically just do the explore option a lot to get the other options going, iirc you get it after using the oil on Meryl.


this game proves god is all-loving

Hmm... because of how I am, I ended up buying into the patreon for the wallthrough... but because I got this going on Android it's a lil... not helpful? At least I can see what gives a + or - for dialogs, but I was kinda hoping it'd say what scenes will impact stuff. I like to know~ also I still can't figure out what you meant in the patreon post about putting the walkthrough in the game folder on mobile... might just be me being dumb though lol. Back to the choices I go~


Hey, anyone else on android having problems ? My game crash everytime righ after that clone? throw the balls at mc

Nevermind, tried playing with my phone on the charger and it worked

Was it just a battery issue? I also play on mobile, but never had that issue, just curious by nature lol.

no, i just had the ideia bc it works that way with my notebook, it runs games better when it's with the charger, so I tried it with my phone and it work

how odd, is it maybe a power save option causing the issue then? At least you got it to work though, hope you are enjoying it lol

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